







  1. 文件的缓存超过限制后没有按照lru算法删除,
  2. 处理返回给播放器的http响应头消息,响应头消息的获取处理改为head请求(需服务器支持)
  3. 替换网络库为okhttp(因为大部分的项目都是以okhttp为网络请求库的)


  1. 采用了本地代理服务的方式,通过原始url给播放器返回一个本地代理的一个url ,代理URL类似:;然后播放器播放的时候请求到了你本地的代理上了。
  2. 本地代理采用ServerSocket监听127.0.0.1的有效端口,这个时候手机就是一个服务器了,客户端就是socket,也就是播放器。
  3. 读取客户端就是socket来读取数据(http协议请求)解析http协议。
  4. 根据url检查视频文件是否存在,读取文件数据给播放器,也就是往socket里写入数据。同时如果没有下载完成会进行断点下载,当然弱网的话数据需要生产消费同步处理。


1. 文件的缓存超过限制后没有按照lru算法删除.


由于在移动设备上file.setLastModified() 方法不支持毫秒级的时间处理,导致超出限制大小后本应该删除老的,却没有删除抛出了异常。注释掉主动抛出的异常即可。因为文件的修改时间就是对的。

    static void setLastModifiedNow(File file) throws IOException {      if (file.exists()) {        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();        boolean modified = file.setLastModified(now/1000*1000); // on some devices (e.g. Nexus 5) doesn't work        if (!modified) {          modify(file);  //        if (file.lastModified() < now) {  //          VideoCacheLog.debug("LruDiskUsage", "modified not ok ");  //          throw new IOException("Error set last modified date to " + file);  //        }else{  //          VideoCacheLog.debug("LruDiskUsage", "modified ok ");  //        }        }      }    }

2. 处理返回给播放器的http响应头消息,响应头消息的获取处理改为head请求(需要服务器支持)


   private void fetchContentInfo() throws ProxyCacheException {      VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG,"Read content info from " + sourceInfo.url);      HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;      InputStream inputStream = null;      try {        urlConnection = openConnectionForHeader(20000);        long length = getContentLength(urlConnection);        String mime = urlConnection.getContentType();        inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();        this.sourceInfo = new SourceInfo(sourceInfo.url, length, mime);        this.sourceInfoStorage.put(sourceInfo.url, sourceInfo);        VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG,"Source info fetched: " + sourceInfo);      } catch (IOException e) {        VideoCacheLog.error(TAG,"Error fetching info from " + sourceInfo.url ,e);      } finally {        ProxyCacheUtils.close(inputStream);        if (urlConnection != null) {          urlConnection.disconnect();        }      }    }      // for HEAD    private HttpURLConnection openConnectionForHeader(int timeout) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException {      HttpURLConnection connection;      boolean redirected;      int redirectCount = 0;      String url = this.sourceInfo.url;      do {        VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG, "Open connection for header to " + url);        connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();        if (timeout > 0) {          connection.setConnectTimeout(timeout);          connection.setReadTimeout(timeout);        }        //只返回头部,不需要BODY,既可以提高响应速度也可以减少网络流量        connection.setRequestMethod("HEAD");        int code = connection.getResponseCode();        redirected = code == HTTP_MOVED_PERM || code == HTTP_MOVED_TEMP || code == HTTP_SEE_OTHER;        if (redirected) {          url = connection.getHeaderField("Location");          VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG,"Redirect to:" + url);          redirectCount++;          connection.disconnect();          VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG,"Redirect closed:" + url);        }        if (redirectCount > MAX_REDIRECTS) {          throw new ProxyCacheException("Too many redirects: " + redirectCount);        }      } while (redirected);      return connection;    }


为什么我们要换呢?!一是OKHttp是一款高效的HTTP客户端,支持连接同一地址的链接共享同一个socket,通过连接池来减小响应延迟,还有透明的GZIP压缩,请求缓存等优势,其核心主要有路由、连接协议、拦截器、代理、安全性认证、连接池以及网络适配,拦截器主要是指添加,移除或者转换请求或者回应的头部信息。得到了android开发的认可。二是大部分的app都是采用OKHttp,而且google会将其纳入android 源码中。三是该作者代码中用的httpurlconnet在HttpUrlSource有这么一段:

   @Override    public void close() throws ProxyCacheException {      if (connection != null) {        try {          connection.disconnect();        } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) {          String message = "Wait... but why? WTF!? " +              "Really shouldn't happen any more after fixing " +              "If you read it on your device log, please, notify me or create issue here " +              "";          throw new RuntimeException(message, e);        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {          VideoCacheLog.error(TAG,"Error closing connection correctly. Should happen only on Android L. " +              "If anybody know how to fix it, please visit " +              "Until good solution is not know, just ignore this issue :(", e);        }      }    }


这里采用的 compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.7.5' 版本的来实现该类的功能。在原作者的架构思路上我们只需要增加实现Source接口的类OkHttpUrlSource即可,可见作者的代码架构还是不错的,当然我们同样需要处理上文中提高的优化点2中的问题。将项目中所有用到HttpUrlSource的地方改为OkHttpUrlSource即可。

  /**   * ================================================   * 作  者:顾修忠     * 版  本:   * 创建日期:2017/4/13-上午12:03   * 描  述:在一些Android手机上HttpURLConnection.disconnect()方法仍然耗时太久,   * 进行导致MediaPlayer要等待很久才会开始播放,因此决定使用okhttp替换HttpURLConnection   */    public class OkHttpUrlSource implements Source {      private static final String TAG = OkHttpUrlSource.class.getSimpleName();    private static final int MAX_REDIRECTS = 5;    private final SourceInfoStorage sourceInfoStorage;    private SourceInfo sourceInfo;    private OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();    private Call requestCall = null;    private InputStream inputStream;      public OkHttpUrlSource(String url) {      this(url, SourceInfoStorageFactory.newEmptySourceInfoStorage());    }      public OkHttpUrlSource(String url, SourceInfoStorage sourceInfoStorage) {      this.sourceInfoStorage = checkNotNull(sourceInfoStorage);      SourceInfo sourceInfo = sourceInfoStorage.get(url);      this.sourceInfo = sourceInfo != null ? sourceInfo :          new SourceInfo(url, Integer.MIN_VALUE, ProxyCacheUtils.getSupposablyMime(url));    }      public OkHttpUrlSource(OkHttpUrlSource source) {      this.sourceInfo = source.sourceInfo;      this.sourceInfoStorage = source.sourceInfoStorage;    }      @Override    public synchronized long length() throws ProxyCacheException {      if (sourceInfo.length == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {        fetchContentInfo();      }      return sourceInfo.length;    }      @Override    public void open(long offset) throws ProxyCacheException {      try {        Response response = openConnection(offset, -1);        String mime = response.header("Content-Type");        this.inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(response.body().byteStream(), DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);        long length = readSourceAvailableBytes(response, offset, response.code());        this.sourceInfo = new SourceInfo(sourceInfo.url, length, mime);        this.sourceInfoStorage.put(sourceInfo.url, sourceInfo);      } catch (IOException e) {        throw new ProxyCacheException("Error opening okHttpClient for " + sourceInfo.url + " with offset " + offset, e);      }    }      private long readSourceAvailableBytes(Response response, long offset, int responseCode) throws IOException {      long contentLength = getContentLength(response);      return responseCode == HTTP_OK ? contentLength          : responseCode == HTTP_PARTIAL ? contentLength + offset : sourceInfo.length;    }      private long getContentLength(Response response) {      String contentLengthValue = response.header("Content-Length");      return contentLengthValue == null ? -1 : Long.parseLong(contentLengthValue);    }      @Override    public void close() throws ProxyCacheException {      if (okHttpClient != null && inputStream != null && requestCall != null) {        try {          inputStream.close();          requestCall.cancel();        } catch (IOException e) {          e.printStackTrace();          throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);        }      }    }      @Override    public int read(byte[] buffer) throws ProxyCacheException {      if (inputStream == null) {        throw new ProxyCacheException("Error reading data from " + sourceInfo.url + ": okHttpClient is absent!");      }      try {        return, 0, buffer.length);      } catch (InterruptedIOException e) {        throw new InterruptedProxyCacheException("Reading source " + sourceInfo.url + " is interrupted", e);      } catch (IOException e) {        throw new ProxyCacheException("Error reading data from " + sourceInfo.url, e);      }    }      private void fetchContentInfo() throws ProxyCacheException {      VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG, "Read content info from " + sourceInfo.url);      Response response = null;      InputStream inputStream = null;      try {        response = openConnectionForHeader(20000);        if (response == null || !response.isSuccessful()) {          throw new ProxyCacheException("Fail to fetchContentInfo: " + sourceInfo.url);        }        long length = getContentLength(response);        String mime = response.header("Content-Type", "application/mp4");        inputStream = response.body().byteStream();        this.sourceInfo = new SourceInfo(sourceInfo.url, length, mime);        this.sourceInfoStorage.put(sourceInfo.url, sourceInfo);, "Content info for `" + sourceInfo.url + "`: mime: " + mime + ", content-length: " + length);      } catch (IOException e) {        VideoCacheLog.error(TAG, "Error fetching info from " + sourceInfo.url, e);      } finally {        ProxyCacheUtils.close(inputStream);        if (response != null && requestCall != null) {          requestCall.cancel();        }      }    }      // for HEAD    private Response openConnectionForHeader(int timeout) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException {      if (timeout > 0) {  //      okHttpClient.setConnectTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  //      okHttpClient.setReadTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  //      okHttpClient.setWriteTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);      }      Response response;      boolean isRedirect = false;      String newUrl = this.sourceInfo.url;      int redirectCount = 0;      do {        //只返回头部,不需要BODY,既可以提高响应速度也可以减少网络流量        Request request = new Request.Builder()            .head()            .url(newUrl)            .build();        requestCall = okHttpClient.newCall(request);        response = requestCall.execute();        if (response.isRedirect()) {          newUrl = response.header("Location");          VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG, "Redirect to:" + newUrl);          isRedirect = response.isRedirect();          redirectCount++;          requestCall.cancel();          VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG, "Redirect closed:" + newUrl);        }        if (redirectCount > MAX_REDIRECTS) {          throw new ProxyCacheException("Too many redirects: " + redirectCount);        }      } while (isRedirect);        return response;    }      private Response openConnection(long offset, int timeout) throws IOException, ProxyCacheException {      if (timeout > 0) {  //      okHttpClient.setConnectTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  //      okHttpClient.setReadTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  //      okHttpClient.setWriteTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);      }      Response response;      boolean isRedirect = false;      String newUrl = this.sourceInfo.url;      int redirectCount = 0;      do {        VideoCacheLog.debug(TAG, "Open connection" + (offset > 0 ? " with offset " + offset : "") + " to " + sourceInfo.url);        Request.Builder requestBuilder = new Request.Builder()            .get()            .url(newUrl);        if (offset > 0) {          requestBuilder.addHeader("Range", "bytes=" + offset + "-");        }        requestCall = okHttpClient.newCall(;        response = requestCall.execute();        if (response.isRedirect()) {          newUrl = response.header("Location");          isRedirect = response.isRedirect();          redirectCount++;        }        if (redirectCount > MAX_REDIRECTS) {          throw new ProxyCacheException("Too many redirects: " + redirectCount);        }      } while (isRedirect);        return response;    }      public synchronized String getMime() throws ProxyCacheException {      if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sourceInfo.mime)) {        fetchContentInfo();      }      return sourceInfo.mime;    }      public String getUrl() {      return sourceInfo.url;    }      @Override    public String toString() {      return "OkHttpUrlSource{sourceInfo='" + sourceInfo + "}";    }  }


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