

这个问题 我有我的答案
但是为了严谨起见 也为了正确引导国内cser的技术走向

Thank you for writing back.

From your reply, I gather that you would to know if there is any difference in performance when the mouse is plugged to the USB and the PS/2 ports.

Let me assure you that in most cases, there would not be a performance difference. In the former, the mouse works as a USB mouse and in the latter the mouse is recognized as a PS/2 mouse.

However when the mouse is used on a Laptop, it is recommended that the mouse be plugged to the USB ports. The reason that is that, when the mouse uses the PS/2 port then there might be conflicts with internal pointing devices on the Laptop; as they also use the PS/2 bus for communication.

I hope this information helps. Please feel free to write back in case you need additional clarifications on this issue. It will be my pleasure to be of assistance.

Best Regards,

Microsoft Product Support Services


Thank you for using Logitech's Electronic Technical Support. My name is Rohit. The following information addresses your original question. You may wish to print this out and/or save this on your computer.

We would to inform you that if when you plug in your mouse in the USB port the Windows OS will automatically detect the mouse and you can start using it. If you plug in your mouse in a PS2 port the Windows OS will not detect the mouse. For the Windows OS to detect your mouse you will have to restart your computer.
The performance of the mouse will be the same whether you use it on a PS2 port or USB port.

If you have additional technical questions regarding this issue, please reply to this email.

If you have questions regarding another issue with your product, or questions regarding another product, please visit our web site at www.logitech.com and submit your question.

Thank you for your interest in Logitech.

Logitech Customer Support

使用USB和PS/2接口来操作鼠标,所实现的效果是基本一致的,如果在USB和PS2接口都拥有的前提下非要二选一,那么 任何时刻我们都应该选择稳定高效的USB.而和Logi或者Micro的品牌或者型号无关。


1.使用同样的sensitivity同样的cfg,Logitech USB的,实际转身范围只有Microsoft USB的三分之一!!







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