
(一、诺基亚N8拆解)Technical specs:(规格)
* ARM11 680 MHz processor (CPU ARM11 680 MHz)
* 640 × 360 (nHD), 3.5" capacitive, multi-touch display with AMOLED technology
* 256 MB SDRAM (256MB 动态存储(内存))[color=****]手机之家bbs.**********
* 512 MB internal NAND memory and 16 GB on-board memory (512MB 闪存和16GB 机身存储)
* 12 Megapixels (main) with Carl Zeiss optics and Xenon flash, 16:9 720p video, 25 FPS
(主摄像头为1200万像素卡尔·蔡司光学镜头,氙气闪光灯,16:9 720P,25FPS视频录制。


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    * Hey look at that -- visible T4 Torx screws! We figured this was a good place to start to take it apart. (嗨,看那里——可以看到T4梅花螺丝!我们发觉这是开始拆解的很好位置。) * A trifle later the bottom portion of the phone was off. If we only had one of these... (接下来取出手机底面面部分有点小麻烦。如果我们仅仅有一个……?)

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    3* After the bottom cover of the phone is removed, a small battery retaining bracket can be popped out of its socket. (取出手机的下盖之后,可以从里面取出一个很小的电池固定支架。) * After that, the hologram-equipped battery can be slid out of its cozy home. (然后,整个电池可以从里面滑出来。)[color=****]手机之家bbs.********** * Although it requires the removal of two odd-sized screws, the battery really isn't that hard to replace. Thumbs up for no soldering! (尽管需要取出两个非标准尺寸的螺丝,要更换电池并不是很难。好在没有焊接起来。)

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    5* After popping off the protective cover, a T5 Torx screw near the mini HDMI port can be removed. (拨开保护盖,可以旋下mini HDMI口旁边的T5梅花螺丝。) * The top of the phone comes off next, exposing more Torx screws for us to remove. (接着取下手机的顶盖,可以看到更多需要拆卸的梅花螺丝。)

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    * Here's a comparison of the N8's display with an LCD from the 4th generation iPod Touch. You can differentiate between LCD and AMOLED screens by noticing the slightly blue tint the AMOLED display gives off when a light is shone against it. (现在对比一下N8的显示屏和iPod Touch 4的LCD屏。你可以看到LCD屏和AMOLDE屏的差别,在光照下,AMOLED屏显示偏蓝色。)

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    * A couple T6 Torx screws and the upper antenna hold the mid-plane to the inside of the N8. (有一对T6梅花螺丝和上方天线部分固定中间平面到N8的内部。) * Six pads akin to steel wool help ground the back of the AMOLED display to the mid-plane. (六个钢丝绒垫用于AMOLED屏背面的中心定位。) [color=****]手机之家bbs.********** * Nokia got pretty creative with their antenna placement, as this device is primarily encased in aluminum. The main antennas are located near the flat plastic plates on the top and bottom of the phone, as seen in the second and third pictures. (诺基亚的天线位置有很好的设计,这个位置主要用铝包住。主天线位于手机顶部塑料盖平面部分内,可以在第二张、第三张图片上看到。)

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    * After removing the screws and popping off the antenna, the mid-plane can be removed from the N8. (旋下螺丝,取出天线部分之后,中间平面部分可以从N8分离。) * The design of the steel mid-plane is pretty genius. Nokia integrated a large EMI shield into the mid-plane to protect the main chips. In addition, thermal pads were placed on the inner face of the mid-plane to conduct heat away from the main chips. (不锈钢中间平面的设计非常优秀,诺基亚有一个完整的电磁防护中间平面保护主要的芯片组。另外,这种设计便于主要芯片组的散热。) * As processor speeds increase and devices become more integrated, the need for thermal management becomes critical to ensure longevity and operability in many environments. (随着处理器速度的提示,内部结构更加整体化,为了延长使用寿命、适应不同的环境,需要很好的散热处理。)

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    * After the mid-plane is removed, the motherboard can be simply lifted out of the rear case. (中间部分取出之后,主电路板可以很容易的取出。) [color=****]手机之家bbs.********** * The daughter board at the top of the motherboard has an interesting design in that it is connected to the main motherboard via a ribbon cable that is sandwiched between the many layers of the motherboard. (位于主电路板上方的子电路板有一个很有趣的设计,它们通过排线相连,组成三明治的形状。 o On most devices, ribbon cables are attached with ZIF connectors or are soldered to the surface of the board, not sandwiched between layers. (在大部分的手机上,ZIF连接线是焊接在主板表面的,而不是类似这样三明治层的结构。)15

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    * With the motherboard out of the rear case, the flash unit simply lifts out. (取出主板之后的剩下部分,可以取出闪光灯部件。) * As opposed to many other smartphones that use either a single or double LED for the flash, the N8 uses a Xenon flash tube similar to the kind of flash found in full-size cameras. (大部分的其它智能手机,都是使用的一个或者两个LED闪光灯,N8是采用的一个类似大部分数码相机上使用的氙气闪光灯。) * The large capacitor on the flash module supplies the high voltage necessary to produce such a brilliant flash. (闪光灯组件上的巨大电容能提供产生强闪光灯必须的很高的电压。)

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    * The loudspeaker can be pried off the adhesive securing it to the rear case at this point. (喇叭是采用粘合固定。) [color=****]手机之家bbs.********** o This loudspeaker is primarily used for speaker phone as well as for playing audio from media stored on the phone. (手机上喇叭的功能主要是通话和播放音乐。)********

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    * Nokia N8 Repairability: 8 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair) (诺基亚N8的可拆卸程度:8/10 (10是最容易拆卸。) * The battery, although considered by Nokia not to be user-serviceable, can be easily removed. (电池,尽管是被诺基亚认为不能由用户更换,也是很容易被取出的。) * The AMOLED display easily comes apart from the glass, which means that you can replace the glass and the display independently. (AMOLED显示屏可以很容易的从玻璃屏上分离,这意味着你可以单独更换玻璃屏或者AMOLED屏。) * There are mostly mechanical fasteners, and very little glue inside. (大部分部件是机械式固定,很少的部分是采用粘合。) * You still have to use a heat gun to remove the front glass, but at least you're heating up metal that won't deform as easily as plastic. (你还可以用热(吹)风器分离正面的玻璃,但至少你要能加热金属而不会使塑料变形。) * You can't remove either of the cameras from the phone. (你不能从手机上把照相机取下来。) [color=****]手机之家bbs.**********



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