
看了一下Celluar Emulator的内容,除了应用程序,还需要安装一个虚拟硬件的驱动,名为XPVCOM。安装完毕后,会出现一个XPVCOM port。这个虚拟硬件将接受Device Emulator的AT指令,模仿手机的相应功能。



C:/Users/hhu/Desktop/WME/Drivers>devcon /?
Device Console Help:
devcon [-r] [-m://<machine>] <command> [<arg>...]
-r if specified will reboot machine after command is complete, if needed.
<machine> is name of target machine.
<command> is command to perform (see below).
<arg>... is one or more arguments if required by command.
For help on a specific command, type: devcon help <command>
classfilter Allows modification of class filters.
classes List all device setup classes.
disable Disable devices that match the specific hardware or instanc
e ID.
driverfiles List driver files installed for devices.
drivernodes Lists all the driver nodes of devices.
enable Enable devices that match the specific hardware or instance
find Find devices that match the specific hardware or instance I
findall Find devices including those that are not present.
help Display this information.
hwids Lists hardware ID's of devices.
install Manually install a device.
listclass List all devices for a setup class.
reboot Reboot local machine.
remove Remove devices that match the specific hardware or instance
rescan Scan for new hardware.
resources Lists hardware resources of devices.
restart Restart devices that match the specific hardware or instanc
e ID.
sethwid Modify Hardware ID's of listed root-enumerated devices.
stack Lists expected driver stack of devices.
status List running status of devices.
update Manually update a device.
updateni Manually update a device (non interactive).


devcon install xpvcom.inf "root/XPVCOM"
devcon rescan




%XPVCOM.DeviceDesc%=XPVCOM_Device, root/XPVCOM




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