


  • 01

    You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i’m going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" what’s your response? (你遇到一个疯狂的避难所科学家,他说:我打算将我的量子调谐器插进你的光子共振腔,你将作何反应?) a.But doctor, wouldn’t that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity? (但是,那样不会因为核裂变而造成不稳定吗) b.yeah? up yours too,buddy! (什么? 你自己也来试试吧,老兄!) c.Say nothing, but grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out. for all you know, he was planning on blowing up the vault (什么也不说,操起附近的水管敲下他的脑袋,你只知道,他正计划炸毁避难所) d.Say nothing, but slip away before the scientisi can continue his rant (什么也不说,在他继续他的演讲之前溜之大吉)

  • 02

    While working as an intern in the clinic, a patient with a strange infection in his foot stumbles through the door. the infection is spreading at an alarming rate, but the doctor has stepped out for a while. what do you? (在诊所里作为一名实习生,一位感染症状奇怪的病人一瘸一拐地进门,但主治医生已经离开,在感染迅速蔓延之前,你将怎么做?) a.Amputate the foot before the infection spreads (感染扩散之前将其截肢) b.Scream for help (大声呼救) c.Medicate the infected area to the best of your abilities (尽你所能,用药抑制感染区域) d.restrain the patient, and merely observe as the infection spreads (只是观察感染扩散而不做其他的事)

  • 03

    You discover a young boy in the lower levels of the vault. he’s hungry and frightened, but also appears to be in possession of stolen property what do you do? (你在避难所底层发现一个小男孩,他又饿又害怕,但是你也注意到他持有一些遗失的财物,你会如何做?) a.Give the boy a hug and tell him everything will bo okay (上去抱住他,并安慰他一切都会好的) b.Confiscate the stolen property by force, and leave the boy there as punishment (强行夺取他的财物,然后作为惩罚,你将其遗弃在那里) c.Pick the boy’s pocket to take the stolen property for yourself and leave him to his fate (悄悄的偷走男孩口袋里的财物,然后溜之大吉) d.Lead the boy to safety, and then turn him in to the overseer (带他去安全的地方,然后把他交给避难所总管)

  • 04

    Congratulations! you’ve made one of the vault 101 baseball teams which position do you prefer. (恭喜你,你将成为101避难所棒球队的一员,你会选择什么位置?) a.Pitcher (投手) b.Catcher (捕手) c.Designated hitter (指定击球手) d.None, you wish the vault had a soccer team (什么都不想做,其实你希望它是一个足球队)

  • 05

    Your grandmother invites you to tea, but you’re surprised when she gives you a pistol, and orders you to kill another vault resident. what do you do? (你的祖母邀请你去喝茶,但是你很惊讶她给了你一把手枪,并要你干掉另一个避难所的居民,你会怎么做?) a.Obey your elder and kill the resident with the pistol (服从你的祖母,用她给你的枪干掉居民) b.Offer your most prized possession for the resident’s life (提出用你最宝贵的东西赎他一命) c.Ask granny for a minigun instead. after all, you don’t want to miss (问祖母要一把Mini gun来代替,你可不想错过这个好机会) d.Throw your tea in granny’s face (把你的茶扑向你祖母的脸)

  • 06

    Old mister abernathy has locked himself in his quarters again, and you’ve been ordered to git him out. how do you proceed? (老先生被锁在了自己的房间里,要求你把他弄出去,你如何处理?) a.Use a bobby pin to pick the lock on the door (用发卡试图打开门上的锁) b.Trade a vault hoodlum for his cherry bomb. and blow the door open (向避难所流氓买一颗炸弹,然后炸开门) c.Go to the armory, retrieve a laser pistol, and shoot the lock off (去枪械库找一把电浆手枪,然后射烂门锁) d.Walk away, and let the old coot rot (跑开,让那老骨头自生自灭)

  • 07

    Oh no! you’ve been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! what’s the best course of treatment? (哦 不! 你被暴露在辐射中,因为变异,你的肚子上长出了一只手,你觉得最好的治疗过程是什么?) a.A bullet to the brain (对着大脑来一枪) b.Large doses of an anti_mutagen agent (服用大剂量的抗突变药剂) c.Prayer. maybe god will spare you in exchange fro a life of pious devotion (祈祷,也许上帝会看在你虔诚的一生份上宽恕你) f.Removal of the mutated tissue with a precision laser (用激光彻底切除已变异的组织)

  • 08

    A fellow vault 101 resident is in possession of a grognak the barbarian comic book, issue number 1. you want it, what’s the best way to obtain it? (一位101避难所的居民有一本《野蛮人柯南》漫画书创刊号,你很想要,你会用什么办法得到它) a.Trade the comic book for one of your own valuable possessions (用你同等价值的的东西和他交换) b.steal the comic book at gunpoint (枪口顶着他的脑袋,逼他交出漫画书) c.Sneak in to the resident’s quarters, and steal the comic book from his desk (悄悄的潜入他的房间,然后从他的桌子里偷走漫画书) d.Slip some knock-out drops into the resident’s nuka-cola, and take the comic book when he’s unconscious (在他的核子可乐中放点迷药,等他昏迷后拿走漫画书)

  • 09

    You decide it would be fun to play a prank on your father. you enter his private restroom when no one is looking. and...? (你决定对你的父亲来场恶作剧,在没有人看见的情况下,你进入了他的洗手间,接着你会做什么?) a.Loosen the bolts on some pipes. when the sink is turned on, the restroom will flood (拧松水管的螺丝,当他打开水时,洗手间会水漫金山) b.Put a firecracker in the toilet. that’s sure to cause some chaos (把烟花爆竹放在他的洗手间里,这一定会引起不小的恐慌) c.Break into the locked medicine cabinet and replace his high blood pressure medication with sugar pills (打开他的医药箱,把他的高血压药换成一些糖丸) d.Manipulate the power wattage on his razor, so he’ll get an electric shock the next time he shaves (改变一下他剃须刀的功率,下次他使用时会被电击一下)

  • 10

    Who is, indisputably, the most important person in vault 101, he who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland, and to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives? (在101避难所中,谁是毋庸置疑的,最重要的人,将原子荒地中的我们收容,他给了我们一切,包括我们的生活) a.The overseer (避难所总管) b.The overseer (避难所总管) c.The overseer (避难所总管) d.The overseer (避难所总管)



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